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Title: The Gypsy


Place of Publication: London


Publisher: The Pomegranate Press


Period of Publication: 1915


Type of Publication: Journal


Description: A short-lived journal (only two issues published). Contained short stories, essays, poems, illustrations, sonnets, and prose. The journal was launched during the second year of World War One. In their foreword the editors of the magazine wrote "we are aware of the fact, of which doubtless we shall be reminded, that in these days half the world is at war. We are also aware, however, that the first duty of an artist is to express as best he can whatever ideas may occur to him." The art editor of the magazine was Alan Odle (1888-1948) who at the time of its publication was a student at St John’s Wood School in London. Artists and writers who contributed to the first issue of the magazine Arthur Simon, Albert Rothenstein, Nina Hamnett, Charles Conder,Theodore Watts-Dunton, Edmund Gosse, Henry Savage, Richard Le Gallienne, Walter de la Mare, Ambrose McEvoy, and Arthur Machen



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