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Title: Kunst und Handwerk


Place of Publication: München Germany


Publisher: Druck und Verlag R. Oldenbourg; and Georg W. Dietrich


Frequency: Monthly


Period of Publication: 1897-1932


Period covered by AHR net: Volumes 47-72, 1898-1922


Type of Publication: Journal


Description: A continuation of Zeitschrift des Bayerischen Kunstgewerbe-Vereins. Contains articles on mainly Bavarian fine and applied art. Covers all periods. Includes articles on Hans Thoma, John Ruskin, ceramics by the Heider pottery, modern poster art, Nikolaus Gysis, the architecture of Emanuel von Seidl, C.R. Ashbee and the Guild of Handicraft, Franz Ringer, Wilhelm Bertsch, etc. NOTE: Initially it will only be possible to browse and make a limited search of this journal as up to 1920 the text uses the black letter (gothic) script. We will be converting the text into modern German script to enable more comprehensive searching



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Available: Now [note: the OCR has not yet been proof-read, however it can be searched]