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Title: The Quest


Place of Publication: Birmingham England


Publisher: Cornish Brothers


Frequency: quarterly


Period of Publication: 1894


Type of Publication: Journal


Description: The Quest was one of the most significant Arts and Crafts journals. It was printed by hand at the Press of The Birmingham Guild of Handicrafts and published in Birmingham by Cornish Brothers between November 1894 and July 1896. Six issues were produced, each limited to 300 copies. It contains numerous wood-block illustrations by students of Birmingham Municipal School of Art and members of the Birmingham Guild, notable among whom were Georgie Gaskin, Arthur J. Gaskin, Evelyn Holden, Violet Holden, Joseph Southall, Celia Levetus, Mary Newill, Edmund Hort New, Sydney Meteyard, and Charles M. Gere. Literary contributors included Claude Napier-Clavering (on bookbinding); A. S. Dixon (on The Guild of Handicraft in Birmingham); W. R. Lethaby (‘Arts and Crafts and the Function of Guilds’); and William Morris (‘Gossip about an Old House on the Upper Thames’). See: Hoban, Sally. The Birmingham Municipal School of Art and Opportunities for Women’s Paid Work in the Arts and Crafts Movement. PhD thesis, University of Birmingham, 2013



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Arts and Crafts Movement




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