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Title: Art in Australia


Place of Publication: Sydney, Australia Australia


Publisher: Sydney Ure Smith, Bertram-Stevens, and C. L. Jones


Frequency: Two issues a year; from 1921 quarterly


Period of Publication: 1916-1940


Period covered by AHR net: Vols 1-3


Type of Publication: Journal


Description: Art in Australia was the first significant art journal to be published in Australia and is now very scarce. We have digitized the first ten years of the journal (1916-1925) in its entirety, including the advertisements.  Each issue of the journal has approximately 100-pages, however, it was not paginated.  The fact that it is so scarce and is not paginated, probably accounts for the fact that articles from this journal are seldom cited. In digitizing the journal, we have added pagination (assuming the title page to be page 1).  As with all the journals digitized by AHR net, we have added biographical information on all the artists whose work is discussed or illustrated in Art in Australia, giving the full name and gender of the artist, together with a supplementary bibliography and Internet links.



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Graphic Art




Wood Engraving


Available: Now




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Title: L'image


Place of Publication: Paris France


Publisher: A. Floury, Éditeur


Frequency: Monthly


Period of Publication: 1896-1897


Period covered by AHR net: Numbers 1-12, 1896-97


Type of Publication: Journal


Description: L’Image, subtitled Revue Mensuelle Artistic et Litteraire and as Revue Mensuelle Litteraire et Artistic, was published monthly in Paris between December 1896 and December 1897 by Henri Floury on behalf of the Corporation Française des Graveurs sur Bois. The editor was the engraver Tony Beltrand, who also provided art direction in collaboration with Léon Ruffe and Auguste Lepère The aim of L’Image was to promote and encourage the art of wood engraving. It featured original work by many of the leading engravers, illustrators, graphic artists and painters then active in France including Jules Chéret, Eugène Carrière, Fantin-Latour, Victor Prouvé, Henri Bellery-Desfontaines, Puvis de Chavannes, Jean Émile Laboureur, Alphonse Mucha, Maurice Denis, Eugène Froment, Léon Perrichon, Georges de Feure, Auguste Rodin, Kees van Dongen, Edgar Degas, Frédéric Florian, Georges Jeanniot, Clément Bellenger, Eugène Carrière, Lucien Pissarro, Jacques Beltrand, Adolphe Hervier, Eugène Dété, Paul César Helleu, Théodule Ribot Félix Vallotton, Albert Besnard, Félix Bracquemond, Daniel Vierge, Louis Dunki, Henri Rivière, Jean Veber. Eugène Béjot, Jean Jacques Drogue, Georges D'Espagnat and Armand Seguin. Among artists who were commissioned to design covers for L’Image were Alphonse Mucha, Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri Bellery-Desfontaines, Victor Prouvé, Paul Berthon, Georges de Feure, and Marcel Lenoir.



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Graphic Art




Wood Engraving


Art Nouveau


Available: Now